You’re More Than A Stranger

I don’t know your name. In fact, I can’t even recall your face–for you are a master of disguise. You don’t wear a cape and you are as humble as they come.

Remember the time you held the door open for me, and I said “Thank you,” with a smile? I meant it. As I wheeled the stroller through with ease, you were my hero. So many times before I had struggled to open the door while simultaneously pushing the stroller through, but not this time. This time you were there. I was only a part of your life for a couple of seconds, but each time I walk up to a door I think of you.


We met again and again.

Remember the time you stopped to chat with me about blackberries while we were both out on a walk? Those words I will never forget. You could have continued walking, but you didn’t. You stopped and chatted with me, a complete stranger, picking blackberries. We laughed and smiled and then you went on your way. I didn’t catch your name, but you were my hero. I hadn’t spoken to a person in hours and it was so lovely to feel seen again.

Remember the time you stopped to let me cross the street? So many cars before you zoomed past without even the thought, but not you. You came to a complete stop and waved me across, with a smile on your face. You didn’t realize the gift you gave me, but you were my hero. I felt safe as I crossed the street with my most valuable possession sleeping sound in the stroller. I mouthed the words “Thank you,” but it didn’t do justice for the way I really felt. You continued on your way, but every time I cross that street I hope to see you again.

Remember the time you helped me pump my own gas for the first time? I was out of state, and had never had the option to do it myself before. You were in a hurry but saw me staring at the pump completely lost. You could have ignored me and gone on your way, but you didn’t. You came over with a smile and walked me through the steps without the slightest bit of embarrassment. You were my hero. You waited with me until the tank was full and then headed off to the soccer tournament. Every time I’m out of state I think about you and thank you over again while I pump my gas with confidence.


Remember the time you looked at me and smiled as you walked out of the store? So many people before looked anywhere but at me, while they hurried on their way. But not you. In a world full of people it is easy to feel unwelcome and alone, but not when I saw you. You were my hero. A simple smile made me feel welcomed. We didn’t say a word to one another, but a shared smile was worth so much more. I hope to see you each time I write down my grocery list.

You’re more than a stranger. To me, you are a hero. Thank you.

Have you had an encounter with a hero? Maybe you can thank them here 🙂 I would love to hear your stories! 

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29 Responses to You’re More Than A Stranger

  1. Julia Putzke says:

    The people I’ve encountered in stores, who completely look past my walker, look me in the eyes, and say. “Hi, how are you?” with the most genuine smile. It makes me want to cry because it’s like looking into Jesus’ face. And you, before I asked to email you. Jesus has definitely used to light the lie, caring about a person even if your encounter with them is only online, has no effect on their life. Just because they’re words on a screen, doesn’t mean the heartbeat behind them isn’t true. You’ve become such an encouragement to me. I’m so glad God brought us together as friends. ❤️ Thank you for encouraging not only me, but evetiyone who comes across you. You are beautiful. ☺️

    Liked by 2 people

    • Marla says:

      I feel silly replying to your comment, but it touched me SO much. I love when you said that when someone does something absolutely kind and genuine, it is like looking into the face of Jesus. How true that is! I feel that people who can look into my heart and see with spiritual eyes have part of Christ within them. They absolutely glow. Thank you for your comment–it opened my eyes and touched my heart 🙂


      • lightthelie says:

        Marla, seriously, Julia has a heart of gold! I’m so thankful for the way God shows us His love. ❤ have an amazing day!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Julia Putzke says:

        Why do you feel silly? 🙂 If it touched you, feel free to share how much it touched you! We were meant to build each other up, and this shows me once again I’m not the only one who feels this way. And that is exactly draws me to people, like you (I can already tell your heart and you are beautiful) and Emily, because you glow with His love. His understanding. He just shines. ❤

        Liked by 2 people

      • Marla says:

        You are absolutely right, it is special that we can build each other up and touch each other’s hearts! Thank you for your sweet comment. And I agree, it is amazing when you find people who just glow, even through the internet. Thank you for touching my heart 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    • lightthelie says:

      I got a little teary eyed thinking about the love you feel “looking into Jesus’ face.” Julia, I am so thankful for you and the love that you show. I didn’t know you years ago and I didn’t see the joys and struggles you’ve gone through… But I can say that right now-Jesus has molded your heart into such a beautiful fountain of love! Thank you for sharing your heart with me and the other readers. Thank you for your encouraging words and knowing that my writing is more than words somewhere on the internet. You are loved. Thank you for showing me more of who Jesus is. I love how He chooses to reveal himself. Thanks for making my day that much better. So much love and prayers headed your way! ❤


  2. rolerrol says:

    The kids I teach on Sunday’s are my hero’s! Their genuine smiles, their innocence, their letters to me! They all mean the world to me!
    Great post Emily!


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Marla says:

    Oh this is so beautiful. I remember when I was a freshman in college. I walked to the grocery store to pick up some food by myself and at the end realized I had bought way more than I could carry–but I had bought it and I needed to go home, so there was no other way! So I started walking home with a huge amount of bags on each arm. The weight wore me down; the bags started falling apart. And then–this sweet girl drove up next to me and asked if I needed a ride home. It was like she had walked my same road. She didn’t ask questions, but just understood. I can’t remember what she looked like, but that gesture has stayed with me. There are so many hero’s in the world, and I feel this special light when I am near them. It is real. Thank you for giving me the chance to go down memory lane. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • lightthelie says:

      What an awesome story!! Thank you for sharing! I don’t know if I would have been able to get in the car.. My mom always pushed stranger danger on me… Haha. But I’m so glad you did and were safe! What a blessing to have her. Even when we make simple little mistakes (like buying more than we can carry) God is looking out for us and taking care of us. Taking the weight off of our arms and carrying it for us 🙂 what a beautiful story. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Natalie Brenner says:

    Amen. I love this.


  5. Natalie Brenner says:

    It inspires us to do these things and be reminded that kindness is so encouraging!


    • lightthelie says:

      So true! As I was writing it was reminding me to be more mindful of those around me. It’s so easy to be wrapped up in our own lives and completely miss golden opportunities all around us! Love you!!


  6. Nice! We need more heroes like that, I’d say.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Codi says:

    After pushing two shopping carts and wrangling three children through Walmart for two hours my hero became the kind lady that helped me to my vehicle by pushing a cart for me. That blessing made my day. 🙂 So thank you to all the people out there that have taken time out of their busy schedules to make my life a little bit easier. I appreciate you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • lightthelie says:

      Wow you are so brave!! I have a hard time with one cart, let alone two! I’m glad to hear God sent you an angel 🙂 What a blessing to have help in what could have been a very stressful situation. ❤


  8. beingeternal says:

    Wow…each word is dripping precious drops of gratitude. Beautifully penned thoughts. I have so many heroes that talking few would be unfair. Life is so beautiful with so many amazing people around. Some are friends and some are strangers…… strangers, who move you very closely more dearly than the dear ones, at times. Small acts of kindness from these strangers leave such a fond and eternal impressions in our hearts…………this is just an amazing feeling.
    I love to be that impression in someone’s heart, one day.

    Thanks for sharing such profound thoughts of thankfulness. Stay beautiful! Love, Reva.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lightthelie says:

      R, you are already that person in my heart! You have shown me so much kindness. You were one of the very first people I came into contact with in this blogging world and you have big one of the biggest encouragers for me to continue writing and putting time into this! Thank you! You are my hero. The world is so much more beautiful when random acts of kindness are involved. They really are such beautiful gifts. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • beingeternal says:

        I am humbly honored, Emily. I will never forget the kindness and encouragement you have given me. I still remember our first encounter very vividly. It was so much fun. 🙂 I agree with your beautiful thoughts. Honestly, these acts of kindness are real gifts…..precious than anything.Sty encouraged and keep encouraging me too. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  9. THIS is the exact reason I started my blog! These very people you so beautifully talk about!! It was a man in the King Soopers parking lot returning carts he’d found around town, a random lady who gave me $20 to take my kids to get lunch after a long morning of grocery shopping. It was a teacher who actually truly cared about my son and two unknown fishermen who saved my husband’s life from hypothermia. The world may not know them, but THEY are heroes. I absolutely love this post. You put it so eloquently. It’s a breath of fresh air to read such lovely words about those who make a difference in the world. Thank you for this!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lightthelie says:

      What an awesome reason to begin blogging! And thank you for sharing all of those stories. I love hearing how complete strangers take the time to actually care about the people around them! Because you know their intentions are so pure. They won’t receive any praise, only the joy in their heart. Thank you for your compliments, what a huge encouragement they are to me! I will treasure them forever 🙂


  10. This is a great post 🙂 Not only does it remind me to remember the positive things throughout the day, but it encourages me to be the hero. Also, I love your writing style 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • lightthelie says:

      Thank you so much for your comment Lauren! That is exactly what I was hoping this post would do. Life is so much happier when we are going through it with a thankful and giving heart ❤ 🙂 Have a great day!!


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