Not Just A Dream

Earlier this week I drove by an empty lot with a for sale sign posted in the front. This lot has sat empty for 10 years due to the murder of two precious, beautiful, teenage girls. Two small crosses sit next to a tree in the back of the property and a silence comes across your heart as you pass by.

I saw redemption for this property. I saw Light the Lie building a community where teens could flourish. Where they could seek hope and encouragement. I saw teens every day given life from a property that once was taking lives. I cried.

This was the first time I saw what ‘could be.’ Unfortunately, this dream is too distant and after doing a little research, it appears the city already has plans for the property. But it felt so good to dream. Someday I do hope to be present in our community, more than just a web address. I long to see hope, life, and healing in the lives of teenagers throughout the city.

Do you have a dream? Do you know anyone I should get into contact with, who could help my dream become a reality? Love to all of you as this week is quickly coming to an end. 

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41 Responses to Not Just A Dream

  1. Julia Putzke says:

    Two of my dreams are coming/have come true this past week 🙂 Could I email you? About your dream and mine ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. lightthelie says:

    Yes Julia! Please email me! I’d loveee to hear from you!


  3. My dream is to never have to pay for coffee at my favorite coffee shop 🙂 A little selfish? I know…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Barbara says:

    One prayer i learnt to pray from author Stormie Omartian was to offer the dream to God and ask him to remove it from me and all my desire for it. If it is from God it will come back to you. Ask him to show you what steps he want you to take to fulfill it. If it isnt from him ask him to plant his dreams and visions in your heart. Some dreams i found were from me and they were nice, other dreams came from god and they were beautfiful and are being fulfilled because his word for me doesnt return to me void.
    Your dream and vision does sound beautiful though, God does turn around awful things in this world around and bring goodness out of them. Your vision to help in the world on a practical level will come into fruition. Sometimes God is patiently working in us and the things he wants to accomplish and when the time is right He opens the door. You sound a beautiful lady and I wish you every success, x

    Liked by 1 person

    • lightthelie says:

      Thank you so much Barbra for your comment! I love that prayer, “ask him to remove it from me and all my desire for it.” I have felt Him over the last couple days using this dream to open my mind to new opportunities and ideas. My husband and I are in no place financially to buy something like this… BUT God nudged me to write this post, and through it, I have been able to connect with a couple readers on such a deeper level than I have been able to in the past. He is absolutely at work!

      “Sometimes God is patiently working in us and the things he wants to accomplish and when the time is right He opens the door. ” I do believe he has opened a window of ‘what could be’ to get my heart beating faster. To get me moving in the right direction. He is so encouraging like that. Maybe I won’t ever open a building, but I do know that God is going to use me. Thank you so much Barbra for your kind words. You are such a lovely woman of God. I am blessed and honored to have you here! Grace and peace to you!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. riversgain says:

    What a great dream to have! Dreams do come true when you work hard and find a way to make them happen! Be persistent and great things will come your way! OH and ask God for some help;)

    Liked by 2 people

    • lightthelie says:

      Yes, coming from the YOU CAN DO IT blog! Yes, only by His power am I able to do anything… (even take a breath!) Thank you for your encouragement. We should dream big, because anything is possible with His hand working in it. ❤ lots of love!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Press on, and one day you will!

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  7. Natalie Brenner says:

    This is beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Marla says:

    I love that you have a dream. And honestly, even though I haven’t known your for long, I can picture you fulfilling your dream. You are so encouraging, so real, and so full of love, and that is exactly what teens need. Keep dreaming! You may be surprised at all you have the ability to do. Because, who are you not to be someone influential?? You future is before you! I’m excited to follow you and continue to see where you go. 🙂 I’m sure it will be amazing places!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lightthelie says:

      Thank you for your encouragement! I didn’t really want to write this post, since it is a little different from what I normally write, but I really felt Him nudging me to write and just see what doors He was going to open up. I just want to be obedient. I hope you are dreaming BIG too. I feel the same about you. ❤ I'm just so thankful for the wonderful people God has brought me to through writing. Let's dream together.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. humblygrowing says:

    You know one of my dreams when I started my psychology degree was to someday open a youth center. I wanted a place where people actually came and wanted to give their time and gifts to teenagers, to show them that they are valuable and people actually do care!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. rolerrol says:

    We serve a God who makes dreams a reality. Joseph can testify of that! The city may have plans for the parking lot but God may have a plan for it through YOU and as we all know, that supersedes any and ALL plans made by man!!! I believe if God wants you to have that parking lot, you will have that parking lot! This is what I feel you should be declaring because when it comes to the dreams and desires God has given us we need to be bold and courageous…!!!

    You will have a place where you will work from that will impact the teens in your city. Maybe it’s the parking lot and if you need friends who will stand with you in prayer as you seek God for it then let us know! That’s the first step. We serve a God who does big and mighty things and we should trust Him to do those kind of things.

    Light the Lie will make a difference in the community, not just the community but the city and not just the city but the nation! He will bring people to partner with you. You will get support in the form of money and resources!!! You will have a building…..that is for sure!

    God is going to use you to bring hope, life and healing to the teenagers in your city and nation!

    The word in Hebrews 11:33, 34 – Through acts of faith, they toppled kingdoms, made justice work, took the promises for themselves.

    By faith God will bring to pass what He has promised. Seek His timing, seek His will. This may be a call from God to start focusing on what He has called you to do….I dont know! My prayers are for you and your husband. I pray He makes it clear what you are supposed to be doing now. 😃


    Liked by 2 people

    • lightthelie says:


      I cannot tell you how encouraging your words are! I never had thought about having a location before I drove past the other day.. I just felt God whispering to me “My plans are bigger.” I didn’t know what to really do with those words but I remembered Proverbs 20:18 “Plans are established by seeking advice; so if you wage war, obtain guidance.” This post is very different from the previous posts I have made, but God was showing me to seek advice from the large amazing group of people here in this blogging world.

      The amount of encouragement I have received by being obedient is overwhelming. I am more encouraged now and have bigger dreams than I ever thought I would.

      I do need to be bold and courageous! We have a God who can do the impossible. Who am I to think I am not big enough to be used by Him for something like this? He made life from dust, He can certainly build this dream!

      God is using you Rolain! Your heart is spilling out with Jesus love. Thank you for taking the few minutes out of your day, to impact the rest of my life. I appreciate you! Thank you for your prayers, you are in mine also!

      Grace and peace to you today,

      Liked by 1 person

      • rolerrol says:

        I am so so happy that you are encouraged and seeing bigger, I am so excited to see how God is going to work on your behalf!!!
        Get ready to be blown away……I am looking forward to reading your journey because an amazing chapter is about to start in your family’s life…..Its great to meet you and your family Emily!
        If you need prayer for anything specific just let me know! 😃
        Jeremiah 29:11


        Liked by 1 person

      • lightthelie says:

        I am ready as I think I can be to be blown away! I have already been blown away by all of the love and encouragement God has shown me through the people on here! Thank you for allowing God to use you in my life. I appreciate you greatly. What a wonderful God we have!
        Thank you for your words, Rolain.
        If you ever need or want prayer, I would be honored to pray for you as well!! Thank you! Jeremiah 29:11 is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. Simply beautiful.

        Liked by 1 person

      • rolerrol says:

        Thank you Emily. It’s so great to know I got people who will support me in prayer if I need it. When I have a prayer request I will let you know…..That means a lot.
        God is so great in the way He works….blessings to you and your family!!


  11. beingeternal says:

    Amazingly beautiful are your thoughts on dreams. I am all happy to know about your passionate dream. Your dreams are as kind as you are. Do not chase the dreams……..let your dreams chase you for the magnetic faith you have in them. Hold on to your passion tightly and let your love for it do the rest. May all your dreams chase you and fill you with happiness and peace. Let you be the humblest and contented heart. All the bestest wishes and love to you. Have faith in your self………..your dreams trust your faith. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • lightthelie says:

      Thank you so much!! “Do not chase the dreams……..let your dreams chase you for the magnetic faith you have in them.” I love this. It is so true that I will not become a part of my dream, but the dream is a part of me! I am so encouraged by the comments on this post. Thank you for always supporting me Reva. In the few short months I have gotten to know you, I have learned much. You are a treasure. Thank you for sharing in my dream ❤ I appreciate you!

      Liked by 1 person

      • beingeternal says:

        Your words are equally encouraging, dear. I am happy that we are connected this way. Give lil love and get lil love…encourage someone and get encouraged. How nice is this…
        Honestly, even I am deeply touched by your love and kindness and that is what makes me come again and again to you. Thank you for being my amazing friend. It a honor for me. Stay happy!


  12. Codi says:

    I encourage you to pray and then get into the Word and allow Jesus to speak to you. When He does record that scripture and what you felt He was saying to you. (This is based off of I Tim 6:19). Remind yourself of these verses, of the calling The Lord has put on your heart.These verses will help you as you go forward. It’ll remind you that you’re doing what The Lord has asked of you. It will encourage you and give you confidence in Him. I speak from experience. The Lord laid a study guide on my heart (which started as a dream of mine). Once I accepted the calling my life started going a bit haywire. At times I doubted. On more than one occasion I was discouraged. Sometimes I just felt completely overwhelmed. But I just kept going back to the scriptures that He had given me at the beginning. That’s where I found strength to go on. I don’t know how it’ll work out for me or you. But I do know that Jesus will say “well done” because of our obedience to the plan he has for us. And that’s all He asks of his children. We’ll just have to press on knowing that we don’t have it all figured out but assured that we are doing exactly what He has called us to do. I’m excited to be a recipient of how He is already using you now. May he continue to bless you and your ministry.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lightthelie says:

      Thank you so much Codi. I read this on Friday, but try to stay off WordPress during “Family Hours.” 🙂 “But I just kept going back to the scriptures that He had given me at the beginning.” I had to read this part aloud to my husband because I loved it so much. Thank you for sharing this valuable tool. Sometimes the Lord can feel quite, but remembering why we start something can encourage us to continue. I remember the same feelings I had when I started on this blogging journey and the Lord has encouraged me through this! I will absolutely be spending some extra time in scriptures this week to get some verses jotted down in my journal. I am forever thankful for your wisdom 🙂 You are so encouraging and I can just feel Jesus pouring through each word you write. Thank you for being obedient to Him so that He would be able to bless so many, including me, through you! Lots of love to you today! ❤


  13. “A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes” So follow your heart! 🙂


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