Somewhere today there is a young man in his teens about to give a presentation. He is going to stand up in front of the class with a hand full of note cards, but he’s not going to use them. He was worried about the audience and what they would think, but he’s going to have them on the edge of their seats. He will finish his speech with confidence as he presents the conclusion. Then he will walk back to his seat as they whisper, “He is fearless.”

Somewhere today there is a young woman in her teens who has been bullied. She is going to walk down the halls with confidence and ignore the comments thrown at her as she walks by. She will see someone standing all alone in the crowd. She throws the lies they told her away as she approaches her new friend. As they walk to their next class, the bullies whisper, “She is fearless.”

DSCN2186 Somewhere today there is a young man in his teens in the “it group.” After school his friends will go to great lengths to get beer. He will be harassed and teased by them because he chooses not to go. He will call them make sure they are okay, but he doesn’t tell them that. He will hang up the phone as his friends ashamedly look at one another, “He is fearless.”

Somewhere today there is a young woman in her teens watching her parents go through divorce. She has heard the lies both parents yell at one another. She will be forced to pick a side, but she won’t. She will go find a mentor, who walks alongside her. When she leaves, the mentor will think to herself, “She is fearless.”

Somewhere today is a young man in his teens who will get turned down for a date. He will walk away with hope and will not be discouraged. He will use this opportunity to grow his friendships. His friends will ask him how he’s doing and he will be a shining light of encouragement. His friends will stare at each other as they all think, “He is fearless.”


You are out there somewhere today, and life is going to put you in a tough situation. You will have the opportunity to run away, or to be fearless. You will choose to be fearless, because you are fearless. Don’t believe the lies you’re not.

Can you share a time you were fearless, or a time you wish you had been fearless? Is there someone in your life you would describe as fearless? Why do you view them this way? 

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53 Responses to You are FEARLESS

  1. riversgain says:

    When I entered college I wanted to take art classes because I was creative and thought I might be interested in art education. From the minute I walked in I was labeled a dumb blonde sorority girl. I was never given a chance but I didn’t let that stop me. I kept working hard and forgot what those people thought. I worked so hard that my name was in a book about artists. There take that is what I thought to all those people who thought I wasn’t artsy enough, smart enough, or whatever. Use those comments and thoughts to fuel you…to show them WHO and WHAT you CAN do!!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Fatina96 says:

    I REALLY LOVE THIS POST! ❤ as for your question, yes, there was a time i wish i had been fearless. Last year, i had a physics teacher who hated me for a reason that is hard to describe. He never taught me properly, and whenever i asked him some question, he'd scold me and call me stupid. More than half the class was taking personal tuitions from him and well, they were satisfied. They all saw the mistreatment, but no one was ready to stand against it with me because he is an excellent teacher if he chooses to be. He didnt choose so for me and hence, i suffered the whole year. My cambridge examinations were a couple of months away and i SUCKED at physics and math. (He also became our math teacher afterward) i never stood up. I just bore it all the whole year. I was in a terrible state of depression and anxiety in which no one (seemingly) could help me. I was alone. It was then that my headmaster helped me out and i improved from a failing position to a b in just a months time. However, if i had been fearless, it wouldnt have been just a b, it would probably have been better…. I guess. I shall never know now *sighs*

    Liked by 1 person

    • lightthelie says:

      Fatina, wow you are a beautiful soul! Thank you so much for your kind, encouraging words! Thank you for sharing your story. Standing up to teachers can be extremely intimidating and I know there are many people out there who are in a situation like that right now. I am hopeful that your story will encourage someone else to take a stand! I’m so sorry you felt alone. In situations like that we start to tell ourselves that WE are the problem. When really we are not the problem at all! That is very inspiring you were able to still receive a B through all of the heartache. I know that through this situation you have become even stronger! You are fearless Fatina! ❤ Thank you so much for your vulnerability.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Fatina96 says:

        I was able to get a B thanks to the support my headmaster gave me. He gave me help and inspired and motivated me to stand up again. Thanks to him, i now have more respect than i did before. Now everyone recognises me and yes, i certainly have become stronger yet i still have a great many things to achieve. It was my pleasure sharing it as i hope that someone may learn from me. You are welcome ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      • lightthelie says:

        Your headmaster sounds like an “everyday hero.” 🙂 Have a fearless day, my friend! You are going to accomplish amazing things. I am so thankful we have found each other in this blogging world. ❤


      • Fatina96 says:

        He is a really kind person and very reserved man at the same time. People like him are very rare, and i have met two more like him. I could almost call myself lucky lol. And i am glad i found you too! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Fatina96 says:

    Reblogged this on Being me. and commented:
    This was awesome! I just HAD to reblog this!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. beingeternal says:

    Amazingly wonderful, Emily. This style is very unique. I love the way you have breathed life in the characters talked of. I felt as if those characters lived in me some or the other time…………in times of my fearlessness. I remember one instance when I was totally fearless. There is this one person who bullied me and dominated me for four years but I was made shut in the name of respect and all. Other relations connecting me and that person forced me to suppress my pain and live as if nothing happened. Others were really happy that I am shut for life and I do not have a nerve to talk back and fight for justice. But one day……… I honestly wanted people to know that being fearful or fearless is just a choice. That day, I picked up the phone and talked to her very boldly…………..pouring the four years of pain and suppression…………asking explanation for all the injustice done to me. I did not get any answer but I felt very liberated and confident. Many people challenged after that but the seed of fearlessness had already grown into plant by then. I think, sometimes,,,,,,,,,,, we are more fearless than what we think of ourselves.

    Thank you for sharing this, dear. I got a chance to proudly talk about that nightmare without fearing anyone. Love to you. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • lightthelie says:

      Oh Reva 🙂 Thank you for your beautiful-ness. It pours out of you. What a beautiful story you shared! I am SO sorry you had to go through that. I cannot imagine anyone mistreating my beautiful amazing friend Reva! “I honestly wanted people to know that being fearful or fearless is just a choice.” You are absolutely right. Fear traps us and tries to make us believe that we do NOT have a choice. But it is a lie! Oh how I wish I could just take fear and throw it in a coffin and burry it for everyone. Thank you for being an inspiration to all and taking a stand against those who were suppressing you. You deserve to be all that is YOU! ❤ Much love to you today! I am so honored you have shared this with me.

      Liked by 1 person

      • beingeternal says:

        Many thanks to you, dear. I never shared this experience any time here. May be the fearlessness and confidence propelled me to share that. though a small achievement but it made a life time impact on me. You are very very kind to me, Emily. We do not know each other, we never met face to face still eachother’s pain is so easily shared and understood well. But there are people around who stayed with me for years but they never had a single moment to share my pain. I should say they never thought I existed somewhere in the spaces.Hence, I cherish this magical bond between us. Sometimes, your goodness is taken granted and considered your weakest point. But this is a lie. Endurance is a strength and because of which we are entertaining others tantrums. But seriously not needed.
        I feel the same @ Oh how I wish I could just take fear and throw it in a coffin and burry it for everyone.

        Beautiful thought. Must give a try. Thank you sweetie for all the warmth you have been giving me. I will never forget this. Stay happy! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • lightthelie says:

        Thank you for giving me the honor of sharing this memory with you! I am here to cry with you and bring a smile back to your face! Those memories can hurt so bad, but they will forever be a part of us. The part that made us stronger. The part that is able to relate and give encouragement to others! I cherish this magical bond as well and so thankful that technology has bridged the gap! I will never forget this either 🙂 Thanks for making each and every day special. ❤ Hugs hugs hugs

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Reblogged this on Optimistic Kid and commented:
    Going through a tough situation? You should take a look at Emily’s “You are FEARLESS” post. You can either be fearless or not during the hard times.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. humblygrowing says:

    Two times, both had to do with poetry. The first time I read one of my poems just before I was baptized and the other I wrote a poem for our Easter service. It was so hard because I’m such a private person and my poems are my heart and soul’s cry, they are raw and as personal as I get a lot of the time, but I knew it is what I needed to do.

    It is so easy for me to share online because I know you guys, but I don’t see you face to face, I see these people all the time… they are my church family, they have watched me grow physically and spiritually and sometimes it is still nerve wracking. However, I know it is what God wants, He calls us to share the good news, to be real, and transparent. With His help, I try my hardest!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lightthelie says:

      Isn’t it amazing how fear plays into us in a public sense?! Thank you for sharing. What an honor and amazing opportunity for you to be able to share and speak truth through those poems. God was able to speak through you and it was special because it was through Laura! God can choose to speak through any of us and it will be equally as good, but when we are obedient and let Him use us–we too are blessed by it! How cool! I wish I could hear you speak to a crowd someday 🙂


  7. theadisolanki says:

    Reblogged this on Social Psychopath .


  8. Reblogged this on Guitar Playing in the Works and commented:
    It’s important, when thrown into daunting situations, to be able to overrule fear with hope. What a great reminder to not drown in our troubles, but just keep swimming.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lightthelie says:

      “It’s important, when thrown into daunting situations, to be able to overrule fear with hope.” You nailed it. Thank you for your encouraging comments. I appreciate it more than you could imagine!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I am deaf, but I am able to hear with the use of cochlear implants. I have been bullied, and for a long time, I never really stood up for myself, and I kept my troubles to myself because I thought I deserved being bullied. But came highschool, and this secrecy that I kept from everybody was eating me. My friends were concerned, and I finally told them my struggles and they were so supportive. SO supportive that I learned that what people think of me is not any of my business. I now know that I am the only source of my happiness, not other people. I can either feel sorry for myself, or be proud of myself and do great things, and I choose the latter. This post was amazing, I loved it! Please keep posting great things like this!

    Liked by 2 people

    • lightthelie says:

      RNR, I am honored to share in this story with you. The stories of readers have blown me away with encouragement to overcome ANY and EVERY situation. “I can either feel sorry for myself, or be proud of myself and do great things, and I choose the latter.” I loved this statement. Way to be fearless! Amazing the kind of support and love we can find through our most courageous and fearless moments.


  10. Bob says:

    Reblogged this on PATCO Blog It All… and commented:
    He is…She is…

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Vernon says:

    Cool! Last week I took my brother to a recovery house. I told him how proud I am of him because it takes courage and being fearless to get back up and try again. Years ago we made a pact that no matter what it takes we going to never stop trying to get clean. I going to keep encouraging him that if I can do it, so can he.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lightthelie says:

      “because it takes courage and being fearless to get back up and try again.” You are so right! Thank you for sharing! You guys have an inspirational relationship! That’s what siblings are for, right? So special you have been able to walk alongside him through this journey. Keep it up-you are fearless!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. sedge808 says:

    very inspiring post.


  13. That is an excellent post. As a mentor of teenagers I can say that you tagged each of those situation spot on. I loved it. I am going to send it to “my girls”. They too will see themselves in this and be reminded that they can be FEARLESS. Amen and Amen.


    • lightthelie says:

      Thank you so much! I cannot tell you how much this comment blesses me knowing I was able to put into words, my heart. Thank you for sharing this with your girls! I used to be a high school leader but had to stop when I had my little girl.. Hence writing here 🙂 it means the world to me! Thanks for caring for teens. They need more people to love them like you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Marla says:

    I am continually so impressed by your thoughts. You have such a way of connecting with people and making them feel so special. I loved this post. Being fearless is hard, but in my experience has actually increased my self confidence. It feels good stand up for something-yourself, your values, or someone you love. I am so impressed with the stories people shared! Our world is full of fearless people!! Thank you for this post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • lightthelie says:

      Thank you Marla! Oh how much I have appreciated your kind and encouraging comments 🙂 You are absolutely right about fearlessness being a boost to our self-confidence. I hadn’t thought of it that way but I love it. It’s just like the post you just made about strengthening our muscles… Strengthening our confidence! Love! Fear always gives us the worst possible scenario as well… and USUALLY…. that one never happens. Thank goodness! I too have been encouraged by all of the amazing stories people have shared. These acts go unnoticed often, so it’s refreshing to hear they are still happening!


  15. Nishita13 says:

    This post made my life flash in front of my face, Thankyou for the exact words that you put up there. Not only do they paint a movie, they take us back and forth with speed and experience. I can proudly say, I am Fearless and will continue being Me, the way I will be. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Natalie Brenner says:

    You beautiful soul.
    Last night I shared parts of my story at youth group! Thank you Jesus for making me fearless. He is too good.

    Ps. Just passed your exit. ✌️

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I was once walking my dog when I saw a car with a female driver parked on the road, and a man leaning in the window shouting at her. I dithered but then decided that if I didn’t do anything and the woman was harmed, I’d regret it all my life. So I walked over, heart pounding and knees shaking because I was a middle-aged woman and the place was deserted, and told him to leave the woman alone. He called me an interfering old bag but stomped off. And then the woman shouted at me for interfering – I felt mortified! But I’d still do it again.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lightthelie says:

      Thank you for taking the time to share your story! YOU are fearless and I applaud you for the actions you took. Sometimes a victim of abuse only knows how to live in a hostile situation and they cannot pull themselves out. So bravo to you for stepping in to stop what could have been an even worse situation. Even if neither of them appreciated you in the moment, I guarantee they will look back and be thankful to the hero that broke up the fight. You are an inspiration ❤


  18. This is such a beautiful post Emily! I used to think fearless people were the ones who never feared anything in life and it’s only recently I’ve realized fearless people DO feel fear just like the rest of us they just keep on moving forward despite that fear. Sometimes being fearless could be jumping off an airplane (which I still can’t believe I did) and other times it’s just getting out of bed and keeping a smile on your face and a positive attitude when you’re going through the darkest storm you’ve ever faced. I think many of us are more fearless than we think we are if we only think about everything that we have been through. And I hope that we will always continue to be knowing that there’s nothing in this life that we’ll have to face without God by our side. Thank you for this post! Be blessed!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lightthelie says:

      Thank you so much Anna! You are an amazing writer, so it means a lot to hear this from someone as talented as you! I so agree with you! We can’t stop fear from speaking lies to us, but we can choose to throw the negativity out the window and not listen to it. We are so amazing and I get the goosebumps ever time I’ve read one of the comments on this post! What a bunch of fearless people! Jumping out of a plane?! WOW. That is something I don’t even know if I could do quite yet. (Just kidding, I would totally do it-but I would have major butterflies!) Thank you for sharing, I appreciate you! God bless you and your family, always. How is your mom’s recovery going? ❤ Love and hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Haha… one day you should definitely jump out of an airplane, it’s pretty safe… for the most part 😉 My mom is doing great! Been on bed rest all week (which is hard for her to do because she’s used to running around and working all day) but I think for the most part her recovery is coming along quite well. Praise God! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • lightthelie says:

        Okay! I will take your word for it… haha *safe* 🙂 I’m so glad to hear your mom is doing well! So hard to be on bed rest.. but that is encouraging she is WANTING to be up doing stuff. ❤ Amen!

        Liked by 1 person

  19. Reblogged this on you make me brave and commented:
    So good…. So so good…

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